Holocaust Scroll
The Conservative movement's creation of this scroll is the latest attempt in contemporary Judaism to create a liturgy for Yom Hashoah.
Non-Fixed Fast Days
Judaism has communal fasts that are not on the yearly calendar and numerous occasions when individuals may choose to fast.
Fast Days: Synagogue Laws & Customs
Fast days are acknowledged in the synagogue liturgy.
Fast Days for Repentance & Atonement
The Jewish calendar has a number of such days in addition to Yom Kippur.
The Ketubah: Evolutions in the Jewish Marriage Contract
Once a protection for women, the traditional ketubah has been critiqued by liberal Jews on several grounds.
After the Wedding Ceremony
After the wedding, bride and groom retreat to a seclusion room, rejoin their guests for a festive meal, and then celebrate with friends and family for the next seven days.
Shabbat Hazon & Shabbat Nahamu
The Sabbaths before and after Tisha B'Av provide a message of comfort and consolation.
Holocaust Observances
Holocaust commemorations have--and should have--some common elements.