

Tisha B’Av History

The tragic events commemorated on this day of fasting and mourning.

Holocaust Observances

Holocaust commemorations have--and should have--some common elements.

Early Proposals for Holocaust Commemoration

Would Yom haShoah be associated with other tragedies, connected to heroism--or stand on its own?

Setting a Date for Yom Hashoah

After much debate, a compromise date--satisfactory to none--is chosen.

Destruction As Punishment

Tradition gives a separate reason for the fall of each Temple.

Personal & Communal Observances

The customs and rituals all relate to mourning practices.

Feminine Aspects of the Omer

In mystical terms, this is a period of time leading to the unification of the male and female aspects of the Divine.

Ruth and Lovingkindness

Rabbinic tradition sees her as a virtuous woman who is rewarded for her behavior.

The Meaning of Ezekiel’s Vision

Understanding the prophet's experience

Outer Faith and Inner Faith

Relating to a silent God.

The Covenant of Total Being

Does Jewish suffering threaten commitment to God's covenant?

The Covenant & God

God, too, is bound by this divine agreement.
