Shabbat as Preview of the Perfected World
Rabbinic literature and medieval Kabbalah describe the day as a foretaste of life in the perfected "world to come" that traditional Judaism anticipates.
Shabbat as a Sanctuary in Time
The Sabbaths are our great cathedrals, the Jewish equivalent of sacred architecture.
Creation and Exodus: The Nexus
The Bible has no problem giving both cosmic and social reasons for Shabbat. Creation and liberation are tightly connected.
Church & State & the Jews
Religious education is vital for this country--but not on Uncle Sam's tab.
Numbers 29: 35 – 30:1: Maftir
Additional Torah Reading on Simchat Torah. Shemini Atzeret and Simhat Torah in the Community. Rejoicing with the Torah. Jewish Holidays.
Defining Hanukkah: Assimilation
Acculturation versus assimilation, a question for Jews then as now.
Defining Hanukkah: Pluralism
Hanukkah represents the struggle to follow one's values and religion in a pluralistic world that often demands uniformity.