

Church & State & the Jews

Religious education is vital for this country--but not on Uncle Sam's tab.

Numbers 29: 35 – 30:1: Maftir

Additional Torah Reading on Simchat Torah. Shemini Atzeret and Simhat Torah in the Community. Rejoicing with the Torah. Jewish Holidays.

Biblical, Rabbinic, and Modern Holidays

The different types of Jewish festivals

Maoz Tzur: Rock of Ages

The most famous Hanukkah song.

Defining Hanukkah: Assimilation

Acculturation versus assimilation, a question for Jews then as now.

Defining Hanukkah: Pluralism

Hanukkah represents the struggle to follow one's values and religion in a pluralistic world that often demands uniformity.

Sweet Potato Latkes

An exciting update to your favorite potato pancakes.


A recipe for Hanukkah jelly doughnuts.

Attah Hareita: It Has Been Shown To You

A prayer recited on Simchat Torah

Yom Kippur Katan

A fast day associated with the new moon.

Holiday Foods

Foods associated with holidays depend on geography.
