

Inviting Jews of the World to the Sukkah

Jewish World Perspective of Ushpizin, Welcoming Guests to The Sukkah. Sukkot at Home. Festival of Booths. Jewish Holidays.

Ezekiel 38:18-39:16: The Destruction of Gog

The haftarah (prophetic reading) for Shabbat that falls on the intermediate days of Sukkot

Leviticus 22:26-23:44: Divinely Ordained Festivals

The Torah reading for the first two days of Sukkot

Zechariah: Chapter 14: Calamity and Redemption

Sukkot Haftarah for First Day. Sukkot Prayer Services. Sukkot in the Community.

I Kings 8:2-21: Solomon Builds the First Temple

The Haftarah (prophetic reading) for the second day of Sukkot

Exile And Redemption

The Sukkah shelters a messianic ideal.

First Liberation, Then What?

Sukkot celebrates the challenges of everyday life.

Joy Is A Religious Obligation

Jewish tradition recognizes Sukkot as a celebration and sharing of our material possessions.

Why Holidays Like Shavuot Last Longer Outside Israel

Some festivals are two days in the Diaspora, but only one day in Israel.

Moon and Women

Celebrating the new moon has special significance for women.

Yizkor: The Jewish Memorial Service

The memorial service is added to the holiday cycle four times a year
