

How to Buy a Lulav and Etrog

What to look for, how to care for them and — and what to do with them when Sukkot is over.

Ecclesiastes (Kohelet)

Traditionally read during Sukkot, the Book of Ecclesiastes grapples with the meaning of life.

The Intermediate Days of Sukkot

Called hol hamoed, the intermediate days are observed differently than the beginning and final ones.

The Yom Kippur Confession (Viddui)

A first step toward repairing a wrong.

Full Text (in English) of the Book of Jonah

The Book of Jonah on Yom Kippur. Yom Kippur Prayer Services. Yom Kippur in the Community.

Jonah: Success or Failure?

The story of Jonah teaches compassion by not following the prophet's example.

Fasting and Asceticism

What is prohibited on Yom Kippur?

Kol Nidrei

The evening service of Yom Kippur is named after this declaration

Yom Kippur 101

The most solemn day in the Jewish calendar.

9 Books To Prepare You For the High Holidays

Spiritual preparation for Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur can make the holidays that much more meaningful.

10 Passover Customs from Around the World

Many Jewish communities have developed unique Passover traditions that make the holiday more lively and relevant.

How Many Shabbat Candles Should Be Lit

While lighting two Shabbat candles is a widespread custom, Jewish law only requires one.
