

What is Sigd?

An Ethiopian Jewish holiday held 50 days after Yom Kippur.

Is There Special Food for Shemini Atzeret?

Harvest foods are appropriate for this joyous conclusion of the High Holiday season.

Other Names for Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur

The Jewish High Holidays go by many names.

How to Say Yom Kippur Blessings

Blessings said at home to enter Yom Kippur.

How to be a Fabulous Shabbat Dinner Guest

What to expect as a guest at someone's Friday night table.

How to Host Shabbat Dinner

It's easier—and more rewarding—than you think!

Is Shavuot the Jewish Pentecost?

Shavuot goes by many names, but Pentecost is not usually one of them.

What are Other Names for Shavuot?

For a holiday that is only one or two days long, “weeks” seems a strange name.

How to Greet Someone on Shavuot

Traditional greetings for the holiday of Shavuot, which celebrates the giving of the Torah.

Why Purim is the Holiday of Prayer

The holiday of drunken revelry is also the day that proves the Torah's assertion that God answers all prayers.

What Are Hanukkah Candles?

The lights of the hanukkah menorah are typically made from wax and come in many colors.

5 Must Have Gadgets for Shabbat-Observant Jews

From a foldable hot plate to a Shabbat light bulb, these devices help make the Sabbath easier for observant Jews.
