

9 Things You Didn’t Know About Passover

Why Israelis have just one seder, how Gibraltar does haroset and other curiosities of this 8-day holiday.

Guide to Jewish Holiday Prayers

What liturgy goes with which holiday, and where you can find it.

Why Do We Eat Jelly Donuts on Hanukkah?

The answer has everything to do with agriculture, food politics and -- of course -- tastebuds.

How to Make Your Passover Seder Inclusive

Tips for making your non-Jewish guests and family members feel welcome and comfortable.

How to Fold Hamantaschen for Purim

Do you fold or pinch? It’s an enduring question in the world of hamantaschen baking. Some prefer pinwheel hamantaschen (like ...

Where To Find Songs for Your Passover Seder

Online resources for Passover recordings, lyrics, sheet music and more.

Ask the Expert: Taking Challah

Why do we burn up a little piece of dough when we make bread?

Shabbat and Environmental Awareness

Rejuvenating ourselves and our planet.

Must-Know Purim Words and Phrases

Key vocabulary for this raucous holiday

Must-Know Hanukkah Words and Phrases

Key vocabulary for the Jewish Festival of Lights.


A popular prayer with a controversial history.

How to Prepare for Rosh Hashanah

During the month of Elul, prayers to say and vows to renounce.
