

Make Yourself a Wonder

In an age of abundant information, we risk losing our capacity for wonder.

Blueprint For the Anti-Egypt Society

Having set the Israelites free from slavery, God charges them with building a society that affirms precisely what Egypt denies.

Joseph and Judah: From Neo to Post Hasidism

These two biblical brothers embody a tension that lies beneath the whole of Jewish tradition.

The Superpower of Hanukkah

Hanukkah reminds that rather than running from our darkness, we can choose to confront it.

Why Hanukkah Is Actually a Minor Holiday

It isn't mentioned in the Bible, but Hanukkah is among the most widely observed Jewish rituals.

Sukkot 2022

In 2022, Sukkot begins at sundown on Sunday, Oct. 9 and ends at sundown on Sunday, Oct. 16

Yom Kippur 2022

In 2022, Yom Kippur begins at sunset on Tuesday, Oct. 4, and ends at sundown on Wednesday, Oct. 5.

Shavuot 2022

In 2022, this holiday begins at sunset on June 4.

Get Your Plots in Order

Abraham had to search for a grave when Sarah died. Our family was luckier.

Running and Returning

The maze-like path of the labyrinth, leading in and out of a sacred center, echoes an ancient kabbalistic idea.

What Must We Risk?

As the floodwaters rise around us, the story of Noah’s Ark calls on us to ask: What does righteousness look like in our generation?

A Time For Every Purpose

The biblical book of Ecclesiastes offers a different way to think about time — not as a unit of measurement, but as shifting periods of emotion and action.
