VIDEO: How to Make Ashkenazi Haroset
One of the most popular ways that North American Jews enjoy haroset.
Our Prophets, Ourselves: Jonah, Judgment and the Act of Repentance
In many ways, the message of the Book of Jonah seems antithetical to that of Yom Kippur.
Black & White Cookie Cheesecake
The marriage of two desserts that are quintessential New York City.
Yom Kippur: Break Fast Recipes
Homemade Gravlax for Yom Kippur Break-Fast
Eating lox this time of year connects our own process of “teshuvah” with salmon’s seasonal “return.”
Alternative Bedeken Ceremonies
For some couples, the bedeken is a chance to set the mood for their wedding ceremony, often in a personalized way.
Tu Bishvat Foods
Recipes for the birthday of the trees, when it is traditional to eat fruit and nuts.
Ask the Expert: Rain on Sukkot
How bad does the weather have to be for me to bail out of eating in the sukkah?
Ask the Expert: 5 DIY Yom Ha’atzmaut Celebrations
What can I do if there aren't any other Jews around?