What Is An Upsherin, or Halaqah?
Why some Jews ritualize their son's first haircut at age 3.
Do First, Understand Later
The Jews accepted the Torah with the statement "naaseh v'nishma" -- we will do and we will hear.
Making Synagogue Meaningful on the High Holidays
Or, how to survive Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur services.
The Shofar as Prayer
Lessons from tradition about the meaning of the ram's horn blown on Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur.
Jonah’s Lesson in Divine Mercy
Scholars have long disagreed on the central message of the Book of Jonah.
3 Things to Think About on Sukkot
Sukkot observances offer a balance between the real and the ideal.
Tzom Gedaliah
The history and observance of this minor fast day right after Rosh Hashanah.