

Shabbat As Protest

Observing Shabbat is an antidote to the stresses of daily life.

On Yom Kippur, You Are What You Don’t Eat

7 reasons for fasting on the Day of Atonement.

Leviticus 16:1-34: The Scapegoat Ritual

The Torah reading for Yom Kippur morning.

Jonah: Following God’s Example

God also repents in the Book of Jonah.

Ancient Yom Kippur Observances

How the Day of Atonement was marked before the destruction of the Second Temple.

Averting the Severe Decree

The appearance of three word phrases in the Unetaneh Tokef prayer teaches that deeds must follow thought.

Personal Repentance: An Act of Purification

Each person must accomplish this individually

Why Rosh Chodesh is Linked to Women

Women's association with the new moon dates far back in history.

Elevating Sin

Acknowledging sins allows for individual purification.

Jewish Holiday & Shabbat Prayers

Each and every holiday in the Jewish calendar comes with its own unique set of insertions into the prayers intended to celebrate the special character of that festival.

The Dimensions of Repentance

The link Maimonides found between confession and repentance.

The Double Purpose of Yom Kippur

We must be cleansed from the polluting effects of sin.
