Sacred Fire
Fire can be destructive or constructive as well as a tool for connecting with the divine.
Dreaming the World into Being
Jewish tradition suggests that dreams awaken the imaginative faculty without which prophecy is impossible.
What Is the Shamash Candle for Hanukkah?
The 'helper' candle is used to light the eight flames of the Hanukkah menorah.
In Praise of Nothing
After a month filled to the brim with ritual observance, the Hebrew month of Heshvan invites us to holy stillness.
Why Yom Kippur Is a Joyous Holiday
Jewish texts portray Yom Kippur as a serious day of repentance and reflection — but not one of sadness.
The Anti Auto-Correct Religion
In an era of predictive ideology, Judaism maintains that humans are endowed with free will.
High Holidays During Coronavirus
My Jewish Learning’s Yom Kippur Program Schedule
Register for the morning service and classes, and browse through the full schedule of events for Yom Kippur with My Jewish Learning.
My Jewish Learning’s Rosh Hashanah Program Schedule
Register for the speed service and classes, and browse through the full schedule of events for Rosh Hashanah with My Jewish Learning.
High Holidays During Coronavirus
Where to Hear the Shofar in New York in 2020
A selection of a few live shofar blowings you might enjoy during the holiday.
High Holidays During Coronavirus
In Praise of Uncertainty
The unpredictability of life is scary and even anxiety-inducing. But it’s also a blessing -- and one of the great themes of Rosh Hashanah.