

Searching a Family Tree for Raisins: A Passover Story

Remembering the flavors and folks of seders past.

For Passover and the Exodus, Think Rivers, Not Seas

With a river one is able to see the other side, and so the potential for crossing over to a new life is attainable.

From a Passover of Alienation to a Passover of Empathy

Our love and concern must radiate out beyond the us towards the them.

Just Do It: A High Holy Day Call to Action

The season of teshuvah is for thinking and feeling, but mainly as springboards for action

How Can We Forgive the Unforgivable?

The month of Elul ushers in a season of repentance and forgiveness, but it's not always so simple.

5 Multicultural Recipes for Rosh Hashanah

From Asian challah to "Afro-Ashkefardi" chicken, these dishes will add flair to your holiday table.

Fear and Trembling About High Holy Days Services

Elul, which initiates the holiday countdown, is more than just a calendric alarm clock.

“If!”– Walking Backwards into Elul

This Jewish month is the doorway to the High Holy Days of awe, meaning, introspection and transformation.

The Perfect High Holy Day Sermon You Will Never Hear

Too often rabbis say either what we think people need to hear or what we feel obligated to share.

Ruth… In Other Words

Last summer, when I joined Anshe Sholom B’nai Israel (ASBI), the local Modern Orthodox synagogue in Chicago’s Lakeview neighborhood, I discovered ...

Why Do So Many Jews Ignore Shavuot?

Shavuot has become the Rodney Dangerfield of Jewish holidays.
