Get Your Tisha B’Av Questions Answered
Got questions about Tisha B'Av? My Jewish Learning has answers.
When I Light Shabbat Candles
Some Friday nights I light candles at 9 pm. No, I don’t live in Alaska or Scandinavia. I’m talking about ...
Why is Hanukkah So Early in 2018?
This year, the Festival of Lights concludes a full two weeks before Christmas begins.
How Are Hanukkah and Christmas Different?
Both are widely observed gift-giving holidays that fall in December, but the similarities stop there.
Why I Look Forward to Fasting
Finding meaning on Yom Kippur is nourishing in its own way
The Most Beautiful Rosh Hashanah Challah on Instagram
Because the camera always eats first.
How to Get Your High Holidays Questions Answered
You have questions about the High Holidays, My Jewish Learning has answers.
How Forgiveness Can Be Restorative
Should punishment take precedence over working toward peace — or is it the other way around?
How We Benefit By Forgiving Others
Judaism teaches that there are personal, societal and spiritual benefits to forgiving those who have hurt us.
The Nazi Victim Who Forgave Her Perpetrators
As a young child, Eva Mozes Kor was a subject of Dr. Mengele’s horrific human experiments. Decades later, she made headlines for granting ‘amnesty’ to a physician who worked alongside the notorious Nazi doctor. Here’s Mozes Kor’s story in her own words.