

Why Do Jews Eat Hamantaschen on Purim?

A brief history of the distinctive triangular pastry.

Purim 2018

From hamantaschen to the Megillah, what you need to know about this holiday that falls on March 1.

How to Make the Perfect Hamantaschen

With these few easy steps, all bakers can avoid the curse of the leaky hamantaschen.

Josephus’s Version of Esther

A public relations piece for Jews?

How the Book of Esther Changed

Several Greek versions of the Purim story survive, along with the biblical text we read today.

Where to Stream Megillah Reading on Purim

Can't make it to synagogue this Purim? No problem.

Why Do Jews Wear Costumes on Purim?

The long practice of masquerading may have its roots in medieval Italy.

Queen Esther: Destiny’s Child

The Purim story is a reminder of our essential power for human agency.

Quiz: Which Hamantaschen Are You?

Apricot, poppy seed or prune?

Ask the Expert: Mishloach Manot Do’s and Don’ts

How do I give these Purim gift baskets?

Things are Not Always as They Seem

Masks have a long history in the world's culture, and they play an important role in the Purim story.

All About Esther

The book of Esther is not a historical document in the usual sense--but that doesn't undermine its importance as a religious book in the Jewish canon.
