

How to Light Shabbat Candles

What you need to know about this ritual welcoming the Sabbath.

Celebrating Shabbat in Many Ways

Contemporary Jews have adapted traditional Shabbat practices in non-traditional and sometimes surprising ways.

Shabbat in the Modern World

In modern times, non-Orthodox Jews have largely abandoned Shabbat observance, despite many innovations intended to encourage it.

Mystical Shabbat

The masters of Kabbalah explained all of the elements of the Sabbath rituals as a consistent thematic drama of the reunion of the Shekhinah the Sabbath bride, with her mate--and in so doing exerted considerable influence on the shape of those rituals.

The Rabbis’ Shabbat II: Enjoyment and Spiritual Fulfillment

The Rabbis used requirements and prohibitions to shape a Shabbat experience in which creative activity is set aside to make time for matters of the spirit. Second of two parts.

Shabbat as Preview of the Perfected World

Rabbinic literature and medieval Kabbalah describe the day as a foretaste of life in the perfected "world to come" that traditional Judaism anticipates.

Shabbat as a Sanctuary in Time

The Sabbaths are our great cathedrals, the Jewish equivalent of sacred architecture.

Creation and Exodus: The Nexus

The Bible has no problem giving both cosmic and social reasons for Shabbat. Creation and liberation are tightly connected.

Special Shabbatot

Sabbath services throughout the year highlight upcoming holidays.
