Passover as Childhood
What we experience in our early years informs every aspect of who we are.
Conservation and Experimentation
If ritual is to create a shared language across the generations, we must ensure the Judaism we practice is recognizable both to our ancestors and descendants.
Sacred Fire
Fire can be destructive or constructive as well as a tool for connecting with the divine.
Dreaming the World into Being
Jewish tradition suggests that dreams awaken the imaginative faculty without which prophecy is impossible.
In Praise of Nothing
After a month filled to the brim with ritual observance, the Hebrew month of Heshvan invites us to holy stillness.
The Anti Auto-Correct Religion
In an era of predictive ideology, Judaism maintains that humans are endowed with free will.
The Redemptive Strangeness of Yom Kippur
For the ancient Israelites, the Yom Kippur rituals signified a world in which God brought moral order out of chaos.
The Seven Year Switch
Shmita, the Jewish sabbatical year, teaches that what we consider normal is just a construct -- and invites us to imagine alternatives.