Yom Kippur
The Dimensions of Repentance
The link Maimonides found between confession and repentance.
Yom Kippur: Rabbinic Development
After the destruction of the second Temple, the focus of the holiday changes.
Spiraling Towards Repentance
There are five factors in teshuvah (repentance), each of which can be a starting point for the entire process.
Confessing Our Sins
The two prayers, Ashamnu and Al Chet constitute the Jewish confession.
Eleh Ezkerah: The Ten Martyrs
An account of ten rabbis killed by the Romans is a centerpiece of the Yom Kippur service.
Forgiveness Is Not Always a Virtue
Taking the side of the oppressed can mean withholding forgiveness from the oppressor.
How To Forgive Is Just as Important as When to Forgive
The Book of Micah offers a roadmap.