Holiday Food


Tostones for Hanukkah

Cubans use plantain bananas the way Americans use potatoes, so swapping traditional potato latkes with savory tostones seemed like a natural choice.

Shannon’s Best Chicken Soup

 Chicken soup is not one of those recipes I learned from my mom, dad or even grandmother. Rather, it’s a ...

Neopolitan Hamantaschen

Purim has always been one of my favorites out of the many, many Jewish holidays. Dressing up in fun costumes, ...

The Best Matzah Balls–From Budapest!

In a wonderful article in the New York Times this weekend, David Sax discusses the sanctity of matzah balls, but ...

Passover Recipes: Chicken with Apple Salsa

My philosophy on cooking for Passover is to avoid the fake stuff and go au natural.  The more straight proteins, ...

Kitniyot: Not Quite Hametz

The Passover debate surrounding rice, millet, corn and legumes.

What It Means to Keep Kosher for Passover

Hametz, kitniyot and the holiday's dietary restrictions.

Meat Kreplach

A recipe for traditional meat dumplings.

8 Comforting Stuffed Cabbage Recipes for Sukkot

A quintessential Eastern European Jewish comfort food.

Is Quinoa Kosher for Passover?

Is this South American "superfood" a grain?

Four Fresh and Elegant Yom Kippur Break-Fast Recipes

Break-fast is all about indulging. Everybody is starving and has spent all day contemplating what they are going to “break ...

Salmon with Maror and Honey

Maror is an important part of the pre-meal seder, but there’s no reason you can’t make it a part of ...
