Holiday Food


VIDEO: How to Make Sephardi Haroset

Think apples and cinnamon is the only way to go? A whole other world of harosets is out there.

Zucchini Boats Stuffed with Ricotta and Pine Nuts

A dairy meal that allows the veggies to shine.

How to Make the Perfect Hamantaschen

With these few easy steps, all bakers can avoid the curse of the leaky hamantaschen.

Pomegranate Chicken

With both pomegranates and leeks, a tasty way to enjoy both foods and the Rosh Hashanah blessings they bring.

Italian Sweet and Sour Fish for Rosh Hashanah

A delicious symbol of abundance and fertility for the Jewish New Year.

Green Beans with Honey Tahini Glaze

Beans are symbolic on Rosh Hashanah because their Talmudic name sounds like the Hebrew "to increase."


An Old World dish takes on a new taste.

Sweet and Savory Stuffed Prunes

A delicious appetizer for your Sukkot meal.

Recipe for Matzah Balls

Great for Passover and all year round!

A Laotian Recipe To Fortify Us for the Yom Kippur Fast

For this Laotian Jew, a rice recipe from his Buddhist childhood sustains him through Yom Kippur.
