Sephardic Food


Stuffed Cigars

A tasty dish for Simchat Torah.

Jewish Food 101

Jewish cuisine is influenced by the foods in the many countries where Jews have lived.

Jewish Sephardi Wedding Recipes and Traditions

A recipe for masapan (marzipan) and details on Sephardi wedding customs.

How To Lead A Sephardic Rosh Hashanah Seder

This ritual for the Jewish New Year goes far beyond dipping apples in honey.

Bamia (Okra) with Tomatoes

A Libyan dish for before Tisha B'Av.

Halvah and Halwah: What’s The Difference?

Learn more about what distinguishes these ancient desserts.

Harissa and Spring Greens Frittata Recipe

An easy meal that comes together in minutes, made with farm-fresh eggs and spiced with harissa.

Jewish Food of the Middle East

For over 1,000 years, Jews have lived in the Middle East, cooking the kind of food that is catching on ...

Quiz: Sephardic Food

How much do you know about food from Sephardic communities?

Ashkenazi Jews Embrace Sephardic Fare

Now that the health benefits of the Mediterranean diet are being realized, American Jewry is embracing Sephardic cooking.

Mediterranean Food

The Jews of Turkey and Greece ate foods inspired by Ottoman cuisine.

Jewish Indian Cuisine

India's three Jewish communities have unique histories and unique cuisines.
