

Jewish Food? Czech!

Growing up, I didn’t realize that the food my grandparents served me wasn’t typical “Jewish” food. Sure, when I would visit ...

Apple Cider Beef Stew

Here in New York the weather just started to finally get cold, and truth be told….I love it. I love ...

Jewish Foodie News Roundup

Just in time for Hanukkah and the holidays – three new cookbooks have arrived from some of the foremost Jewish ...

Gluhwein (Mulled Wine)

My husband and I aren’t really the sit-on-a-beach-for-a-week types, so instead of a beach vaca for our honeymoon, we went ...

Bubbe’s Mushroom Challah Dressing

Definitely a holiday dish everyone can agree on.

Goat Soup, Shuba and Other Delicacies

Riding the Q train last week, I spotted an ad for “Ram Goat Flavored Soup Mix – with artificial goat ...

Cranberry Apple Noodle Kugel

A marriage of Thanksgiving and Ashkenazi flavors.

Everything but the Kitchen Sink Brownies

Whenever I go to 2nd Ave Deli in New York (which I promise is only 1-2 times per year) my ...

Slop Nuggets: Cookies You Make Without a Recipe

When I was growing up I read a series of young adult mystery books about a girl who saw ghosts ...

What’s Cookin’ This Week?

The first week back to work after a month of short weeks during the chagim is always a doozy, and ...


Everyone loves challah…and these days, everyone loves photos of beautiful, homemade food – especially challah! So, this week and next ...

Pumpkin Pizza

I LOVE pumpkins – and really who doesn’t!? Pumpkin pie, pumpkin spiced lattes, all the beautiful and flavorful pumpkins of ...
