

Shabbat Recipe Roundup

Shabbat is here, and time to plan your meals! While some of you might be trying to lighten your cooking ...

Recipes to Waste Not

This past Sunday, The Food Network aired a special “The Big Waste,” which featured chefs Alex Guarneschelli, Ann Burell, Michael ...

Bet You Can’t Eat Just One!

Potato chips can be absolutely addicting. The marketing of processed foods in America has brilliantly caught us in our weakness ...

Winter Citrus Salads

Winter may not seem like the ideal time to experiment with salads, but with all the different varieties of citrus ...

What Was Your Original Cookbook?

When I was a kid I was only aware of one cookbook. Not the Joy of Cooking. Not Mastering the ...

Best Roast Chicken

My husband and I have an ongoing competition over who makes the best roasted chicken. I am not sure he ...

2012: Food Resolutions!

Welcome 2012!I am not one to make lofty secular New Year’s resolutions, but as we welcome 2012, perhaps it might ...

From Scratch

One of my pet peeves is the veritable deluge of prepared foods and “meal assembly” emporia that has overtaken America ...

Sweet and Sour

In my grandparents’ homes, as in the shtetlach from whence they came, the food was sweet and sour – just ...

Rainbow Cookies a la Hanukkah

I have a confession to make. I’m not proud of it but I feel compelled to share. You know how ...

In the (Jewish) Night Kitchen

This week on our book blog Members of the Scribe, we’re hosting guest-blogger Stanley Ginsburg, author of Inside the Jewish Bakery. ...

What Is a “Jewish Bakery”?

Not too long ago, during a radio interview centered on Inside the Jewish Bakery , the host asked me, “What ...
