

Zucchini Kugel

This savory casserole is a delicious take on a classic kugel.

Broccoli Kugel

A side dish for Shabbat or holiday tables.

Plum Crisp

This fruit dessert is a wonderful alternative to apple crisp.

Spicy Meat Loaf

Kubbah Sineeyah is a popular Middle Eastern dish that combines flavorful meat with tahina.

Best of the Crockpot

Admittedly, I am not much of a crock pot user. The only time we break ours out is for cholent ...

Shabbat Roundup: Mardi Gras Edition

Today I head to New Orleans to celebrate my first ever Mardi Gras in the vibrant city. In honor of ...

Deviled Eggs with Schmaltz and Gribenes

Bon Apetit Magazine recently featured variations on deviled eggs that included a recipe for bacon deviled eggs which got me ...

Taking Some Veggie Cues from Israel

This past week I was lucky enough to travel to Israel on behalf of my (other) work, for a short ...

Tu Bishvat Foods Roundup

Happy Tu Bishvat! Today we celebrate the birthday of the trees by eating fruit, nuts, grains, and other things that ...

Quiz: Shabbat Food

Five questions to test your knowledge on everything from latkes to cholent.

On Carrots and Fishes and Jewish Souls

I spent several years traveling the world, trying on different faiths, seeing which one fits. At the end of my ...

Best Pareve Frostings

A friend on Facebook recently asked her fellow baking buddies to share their best pareve frosting recipes. This is an ...
