

Keeping Kosher: A Personal Perspective

Boundaries, rules, cravings, and keeping my kashrut fresh

Rav Kook Was Not a Vegetarian!

Among the many false claims about Rabbi Avraham Yitzkak HaCohen Kook is the assertion that he practiced vegetarianism.

Rav Kook & Vegetarianism

This major 20th-century Jewish thinker saw vegetarianism as the biblical ideal to which humankind should work to return.


A beloved Shavuot traditional recipe

Ashkenazi Jews Embrace Sephardic Fare

Now that the health benefits of the Mediterranean diet are being realized, American Jewry is embracing Sephardic cooking.

Israeli Hummus Recipe

You've seen it in the stores. Now you can make it at home.

Eretz Yisrael Cake with Orange, Dates, and Marzipan

This cake uses ingredients commonly found-and associated with-the Land of Israel.


A recipe for a Passover fruit dessert, side dish, or topping

Eating Matzah At the Seder

The bread of poverty has a rich history in Rabbinic literature.


A recipe for a vegetarian hors d'oeuvre or side dish.


A recipe for triangular Purim cookies

Food Laws in the Bible

The consumption of food and drink was subject to certain restrictions that became the basis for later Jewish dietary practices.
