

Israeli Halvah Recipe

The most ancient of desserts.

Quinoa and Passover (Pesach)

An old grain from the New World.

Kitniyot: Not Quite Hametz

The Passover debate surrounding rice, millet, corn and legumes.

What It Means to Keep Kosher for Passover

Hametz, kitniyot and the holiday's dietary restrictions.

Meat Kreplach

A recipe for traditional meat dumplings.

Kashrut: History and Development

Rabbinic Judaism elaborated a series of practices for putting the biblical restrictions into practice.

Vegetarianism: An Alternative Kashrut

The author argues that our evolving religious sensibilities should bring us to recognize vegetarianism as a new mitzvah.

Kashrut Themes and Theology

Jewish dietary laws, the origins of which are in biblical law, have a variety of explanations within the Bible itself, and those explanations have themselves been the subject of multiple interpretations.

Kashrut 101

Jewish dietary laws are observed in varying degrees among Jewish families and individuals.

Cranberry Sauce Stuffed Challah Recipe

Repurpose leftover cranberry sauce into a festive Shabbat dish!

8 Comforting Stuffed Cabbage Recipes for Sukkot

A quintessential Eastern European Jewish comfort food.

Is Quinoa Kosher for Passover?

Is this South American "superfood" a grain?
