

Kashering Pots & Pans

Readying cooking vessels for a kosher kitchen

Kashering Utensils

Boiling water--with the occasional submersion in dirt

Kashering Dishes

Get your water boiling.

Kashering Stoves And Ovens

Very high heat for these cooking appliances

Kashering Cabinets, Drawers, and Countertops

Different opinions from different movements and rabbis

Kashering Sinks

How do you make your sink kosher?

The Sweet Story of Israeli Desserts

Desserts are part of the ever-developing Israeli cuisine, and like everything else in Israel, desserts too have their story.


A recipe for one of the most popular egg dishes in Israel

Recipe for Matzah Balls

Great for Passover and all year round!

Kashrut & Reform Judaism

A look at what, if any, aspects of this practice are relevant for modern Reform Jews.

Cholent Recipe

Cook your own Sabbath stew.

How to Get Started Keeping a Kosher Home

There is no single standard for keeping kosher, and therefore no single standard for keeping a kosher home. But here's how to get started.
