Jewish Ethics
Pikuach Nefesh: The Jewish Value of Saving a Life
The primacy of human life is a fundamental principle of Jewish law and a core value of Jewish tradition.
Must One Honor an Abusive Parent?
While honoring parents is a core Jewish value, so is protecting one's health and well-being.
Tikkun Olam: Repairing the World
This phrase with kabbalistic roots has come to connote social justice.
Issues in Jewish Business Ethics
How insider trading and intellectual property theft are viewed.
When Leaders Have Moral Failings
The commandment to the priests to purify themselves of sin before God reminds us to hold our leaders accountable to act ethically.
Jewish Ethics: Some Basic Concepts and Ideas
The biblical text and the Rabbinic tradition provide the universal search for an ethical life with passion and some unique concepts.
Who Was the Chofetz Chaim?
This influential 20th-century Jewish figure established his reputation first and foremost as an opponent of lashon hara, evil speech.
The Toothpaste Sacrifice
Like toothpaste, derogatory speech cannot be returned to the tube.
Judaism and the Homeless
Jewish law demands that everyone have adequate and permanent housing.
How To Visit the Sick, in Judaism
A rabbi offers advice about how to perform the mitzvah of visiting the sick with wisdom, discretion, and sensitivity.