Parashat Tsav: “It Must Not Go Out”
Jews read sections of the Torah each week, and these sections, known as parshiyot, inspire endless examination year after year. Each ...
Passover: A Different Kind of Liberation Story
The connection between the Passover story and LGBTQ liberation is easy. Too easy. A group of people suffer under oppressors ...
Queering Your Seder: LGBTQ Haggadot
Passover is fast approaching, which means it’s time to prepare to lead, or participate in, a seder. It can be ...
Parashat VaYikra: “And God Called”: The Process is the Message
Jews read sections of the Torah each week, and these sections, known as parshiyot, inspire endless examination year after year. Each ...
Releasing Your Burden: The Eshel Shabbaton
As we’ve explored in earlier posts by and about Orthodox Jews who are also LGBTQ (including a round-up of blogs, ...
LGBTQ Jewish Teen and Ally Shabbaton
We’ve been really inspired by the posts penned by some of the teens and staff who attended the LGBTQ Jewish ...
Parashiyot Vayakhel and Pekudei: The Power of Embodied Love
Jews read sections of the Torah each week, and these sections, known as parshiyot, inspire endless examination year after year. Each ...
Why “The Purim Superhero” is the Book I’ve Been Waiting For
I’ve always believed quite firmly that what is on our kids’ bookshelves, and what we, parents and children together, share ...
Parashat Ki Tisa: Dancing at Sinai
Jews read sections of the Torah each week, and these sections, known as parshiyot, inspire endless examination year after year. Each ...
Purim Does Drag
Anyone who has ever been to a proper Purim celebration knows that a good Purim party could never be a drag, ...
Parashat Terumah: The Gift of Safe Space
Jews read sections of the Torah each week, and these sections, known as parshiyot, inspire endless examination year after year. ...
Nobody prepares you for those odd, out-of-the-way problems life presents every once in a while. I grapple with one such ...