

Our Love Party: Inviting Community When Family Won’t Come

My Orthodox Jewish self, my fear and shame, my internalized homophobia could not fathom a way of bringing my relationship with my religion and my understanding of what God wants for me into marriage with a woman. It has taken me years of being out and going through heartbreak and growth to be in the place that I believe that God wants to be involved in my marriage to Mary. In order to be married in an authentic way, I need both my religious self and my queer self to be there.

Sitting Down with Emma: A 15-Year-Old Social Media Maven

Keshet recently sat down with Emma Canter, a 15 year-old from Chicago. Emma runs the Instagram account f.em.inist and recently ...

Emerging from Narrow Places: Passover and the Stories of LGBTQ Jews

Passover is also a time for us to reflect on the mitzrayim we face today: what are the narrow places from which we must emerge? What are the ways in which we must move toward freedom from transphobia and heterosexism in our families, our workplaces, our Jewish communities? What steps do we need to take to bring us farther along on this journey?

Passover: Festival of Binaries

Leavened versus unleavened; inside versus outside; Jew versus non-Jew; life versus death. Passover is a festival of absolute binary distinctions that we ritually link together in order to affirm our identity as the people God brought out of Egypt and to pass that identity on to our children. This is the Torah's equivalent of “Jewish Identity for Dummies.”

Making it Personal: How the JCRC Advocates for Trans Inclusion

Embedded in our communal and organizational DNA is the belief that all people come before the government with an equal ...

Celebratory Sacrifices: Coming Out

In the times of the ancient Israelites, we were supposed to make sacrifices to God on many different occasions. When ...

Take a Stand: Don’t Let Religion Become a Weapon

In Pirkei Avot 2:10 we are taught that Rabbi Eliezer said, יהי כבוד חברך חביב עליך כשלך “Let your neighbor’s dignity be precious ...

Q&A with Raffi Freedman-Gurspan, the White House’s Primary LGBT Liaison

Keshet recently spoke with Raffi Freedman-Gurspan. Raffi, a Jewish woman, is the first openly transgender member of staff at the White House. ...

Remembering Liz Swados

Lesbian and Jewish theater icon Elizabeth Swados died in January at the age of 64. Swados was an American writer, composer, musician ...

Pronouns as a Jewish Value

Preferred Gender Pronouns:  a phrase that confuses people who haven’t heard it before. To many, pronouns seem fixed. How could ...

A Queer Jew Looks Back on High School (and the Search for Role Models)

The very first person I came out to as a lesbian just introduced himself as a proud transman for the ...

Queer at a Jewish Boarding School in North Carolina

My journey of figuring out my sexual orientation began when I was 12 years old and living in a suburb of ...
