

Marriage: A Political Act, A Religious Endeavor, A Chance to Celebrate Love

Transplants to California from the Midwest and East Coast, we found each other in the Bay Area. Melissa, a minister in ...

Christians and Jews Sharing Shabbat in the Delta

My family lives in Greenwood, Mississippi. Nestled in the heart of the Delta, we are proud of our small-but-vibrant shul; ...

The Rabbi, The Pastor and the Torah of Mankind

The baggage claim at the airport in Gondar, Ethiopia is still by far the most humorous way I have yet ...

What’s an Interfaith Rabbi?

Last week The New Republic ran a story saying that the Reconstructionist Rabbinical College, the seminary of the American Jewish ...

Real Religious Differences

Every year, I laugh out loud at this week’s Torah reading, the crossing of the Red Sea.There Moses stands, so ...

Jewish Summer Camp: The Questions You Should Be Asking

This blog post was reprinted with permission from InterfaithFamily.Thinking of sending your kids to Jewish summer camp (this year or ...

Forty Shades of Ecumenism

Girl About Town. Toxic Tale. Heroine. Flat Out Fabulous. Sweet and Sour. Stunner.Unchanging. Gospel. Zen Rose. Love Temple. Divine Choice.Tribalist. ...

Navigating December as Part of an Interfaith Couple

For families and couples who are interfaith, particularly those who are in a Jewish and Christian relationship, December can be ...

Shedding Light On One Family’s “December Dilemma”

A Christmas tree? In this nice Jewish girl’s home? Here’s how it happened.I am engaged to a wonderful man – ...

Mensch on the Bench Hits Shark Tank with His Jewish Appearance

December is here along with the season of Christmas lights, Hanukkah cookies, Festivus celebrations, holiday shopping, the Elf on the Shelf, ...

Learning About Judaism Through The Trinity (Yes, That One!)

A big part of my job is working on the interfaith program between my school, The Davis Academy, and a ...

How Thanksgiving Became The Holiday We (All) Now Celebrate

The November holidays embodies values important both in Judaism and American culture.
