

Intermarriage Questions Go Beyond “How Will They Raise the Kids?”

A couple of years ago I received a call from a long-time congregant, Steve (I’ve changed his name and other ...

Sukkot, Our Interfaith Hippie Re-visioning Festival

On Sukkot, it’s customary to read Chapter 14 from the prophet Zechariah.Have you read it? I mean, really read it?If ...

Interfaith Collaboration: A Southern Tradition

This past week, two of my co-workers and I attended an interesting lecture by Reverend Ben Matin at Millsaps College, ...

Can I Pray in the Name of Jesus?

A chaplain's experience with a Christian patient.

Divestment? Not in New Orleans!

In our corner of the world, Temple Sinai of New Orleans and The St. Charles Ave. Presbyterian Church have been ...

What Can Southern Jews Teach The Rest of Us About Intermarriage and Outreach?

Usually we think of small, southern communities as being at least a beat behind their larger counterparts, especially when they ...

Pride and Community Go Hand in Hand

Pride and community go hand in hand. For a good part of my life, I didn’t have much of either.I ...

The Tupelo Tornado, Temple, and Church: A Story of Friendship

Today’s guest post comes from Bob M. Schwartz, a member of Temple B’nai Israel in Tupelo, Mississippi. His thoughts can ...

Does Interfaith Dialogue Work?

I ask this question often, in one form or another. And often, people answer with a cynical “No.”A business leader ...

Parashat Bamidbar: So Many Ways Not to be Counted

Jews read sections of the Torah each week, and these sections, known as parshiyot, inspire endless examination year after year. Each ...

“Are You Jewish?”

Yes. But it’s complicated.My mother is Jewish, which, as my grandmother used to tell me, means that the Nazis would ...

From the South to Spain: Surprising Jewish Connections

This blog post comes from Linnea Hurst, who interned in the ISJL’s Community Engagement department last summer. I wasn’t raised ...
