

Ask Your Atheist Friend

It shouldn’t be surprising to find out that people are stupid. You’ve seen the Jaywalking segments on The Tonight Show, ...

Wise Fridays: What is Revelation?

“Revelation is not an act of [a prophet] seeking, but of his being sought after, an act in God’s search ...

Baxter the Pig: The Simple Son

Earlier this week Laurel Snyder blogged on writing a book about inclusion and diversity and the job of being Jewish. ...

Wise Fridays: Who Is A Jew?

“Whoever repudiates idolatry is called a Jew.” —Babylonian Talmud Megillah 13a Find more Wise Fridays wisdom on MJL.

Wise Fridays: What You Have a Right To

“You have nothing that the humblest worker has not a right to have also.” —Rose Schneiderman Find more Wise Fridays ...

Beginnings: Jewels of Elul

I decided to be Orthodox in the middle of college. I was on scholarship to a very big school, and ...

Some Amar’e Conclusions (Finally)

I don’t need to go over all the details of the Amar’e Stoudemire being Jewish claims (you can read all ...

Wise Fridays: Judaism Can Save Your Life

“Judaism, done right, has the power to save your life from being spent entirely on the trivial…But it can do ...

Wise Fridays: Heaven and Land

“Each people has as much heaven over its head as it has land under its feet. ” —Hayim Nahman Bialik ...

The Beit Din

The Jewish court of law.

The Future of Orthodox Technology

A few weeks ago, Talia Davis wrote to a bunch of Jewish techy and thinky folks and asked us what ...

Where Hasidim Went Wrong

Arthur Green, rector of the Rabbinical School of Hebrew College, just published an article in the Forward on how Hasidim ...
