Jimmy Carter Finally Makes A Good Point
In second grade everyone in my class was given a US President to study. Mine was Jimmy Carter, and long ...
Tzenah Urenah
How the Yiddish translation of the Torah, Megillot and Haftarot became associated with women.
Jewish Organizations in the News
Defying the general trend toward a merger, the three branches of the JCC of Greater Philadelphia will each be going ...
David Plotz: Is Monotheism for Jerks?
David Plotz is guest-blogging for MyJewishLearning and the Jewish Book Council.There are the writers who succeed by arguing evolution exists ...
Just When I Thought This Story Couldn’t Be Weirder…
I saw this yesterday and considered blogging about it. But now the story has become too good not to talk ...
Find God, Win Fabulous Prizes!
There’s a famous Jewish text called the Kuzari, written by Judah HaLevi. In it, the king of the Khazars has ...
Water Issues
Much attention has been given to the use of “gray water,” but there are many different forms of gray water, ...
Atheist Summer Camp?
I tend to think of Richard Dawkins as slightly deranged, but I respect his right to have an opinion. I ...
Wise Fridays: Build Many Chambers in Your Heart
All the words have been given by a single Shepherd … so you build many chambers in your heart and ...
Taking the Messiah out of the Three Weeks (and Putting Joy In)
Today is the 17th of Tammuz, the day when five big catastrophes happened in Judaism:* Moses smashed the original Ten ...