

Religious People are Nicer

A study by Harvard professor Robert Putnam has found that religious people are better citizens, better neighbors and generally just ...

Say Kaddish For Conservative and Reform Judaism?

I saw this article before I left for work this morning, and the first two paragraphs had me spitting nails, ...

The Levy-Franks Family

The Levy-Franks family struggled with the ever-present challenge of maining a strong Jewish identity in a secular society.

Ethical Kashrut: Going Live in 5

It’s been exactly one year since the Agriprocessors/Rubashkin’s scandal broke out, and today, the Orthodox Social Justice organization Uri L’Tzedek ...

Poll: Same Sex Marriage

This week, two Orthodox organizations, The Orthodox Union and Agudath Israel, came out in a joint statement against a New ...

Judah Monis

America's first Hebrew instructor taught students at Harvard College from 1722 to 1760. His career teaches us about the challenges of maintaining a Jewish life in early America.

Wise Fridays: People Are Stingy

People are stingy with money, but we’re also stingy with kavod, with honor. We’re even stingy with ourselves. We’re supposed ...

Maimonides on Seder Nashim

The sequence of the tractates in the Order

He’s Not Faking It! He’s Really Orthodox!

Here’s a video about Alan Veingrad, who played for the Packers, won a Super Bowl, and is now frum. The ...

I’m Blushing All Over

If you’ve spent any time in a schvitz or even just a gym locker room you’ve probably seen a fair ...
