Better than a list of thank yous.
I saw this Bar Mitzvah speech video a few weeks ago. It’s one of the most profound things I’ve heard ...
Religion in America
Today’s New York Times reported more findings from a recent Pew study on religion in America, with attention to the ...
Widows in Jewish Tradition
The Torah tells us to protect widows--but not all Jewish authorities recommend marrying them.
What Is A Mamzer?
Jewish children born from forbidden sexual relations pose ethical and communal challenges.
Levites Today
Even after the Temple's destruction, Levites enjoy some unique ritual privileges.
Blogging Avot: Wieseltier on Identity
At the President’s Conference yesterday, I attended a session called “Jewish Identity: Unraveling or Renewing?” a panel discussion featuring — ...
Jewish Beliefs and Practices
-Debra Ruth Kolodny crafts “A new Ceremony of Simchat Bat,� explaining the rationale behind the process. (Ritualwell)-Rabbi Shlomi Aviner, one ...
Blogging Avot: Bad Neighbors
Pirkei Avot 1:7 is a short mishnah with further advice about who to (and in this case, who not to) ...
Peoplehood is so vacant, it’s vacuous
In last week’s Forward, Jay Michaelson entered the Peoplehood debate with force, simultaneously acknowledging his own sense of connection to ...
Muslims and Jews
-As Jewish-Muslim interfaith efforts intensify, critics say that Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) is selective in which acts of terrorism ...