

In the Jewish Synagogue at Newport

A poem from Emma Lazarus's 1871 collection Ademtus and Other Poems

Emma Lazarus

The poetry of Emma Lazarus (1849-1887), best known for the verse inscribed on the Statue of Liberty pedestal

Chava Alberstein: Multilingual Folkie

In Hebrew, English and Yiddish, this legendary Israeli singer has created an unparalleled body of music.

Humanistic Judaism

The origins of a small Jewish movement that embraces a cultural identity while rejecting a belief in God.

Battling Stereotypes of the Jewish Mother

What it means to be a contemporary mother and to be a Jewish mother today

‘Awake, Awake, Miriam the Prophetess’

Selections from two tehines (women's prayers)

Tehines: Women’s Prayers

Not part of the fixed liturgy, women used these prayers to commemorate special holidays and special times in their lives.

Becoming Free in Judaism

From the beginning of biblical time, man has struggled to break his binding ties in order to become free, independent, and fully human.

The Mourner During Aninut

The earliest phase of mourning, aninut, which occurs between death and burial, applies to immediate family members.

Development and History of Kaddish

The Kaddish originated as an expression of praise to God following a learned discourse.

Helping Children of Different Ages Cope with a Death

Adults help children most when they express their own sorrow and respond to questions in a truthful, yet age-appropriate way.

I.L. Peretz

The contributions of I.L. Peretz to Yiddish literature.
