

Smoking, Alcohol, and Drugs

As a culture that values sobriety, individual responsibility, and health, Judaism is wary of substances that may cause more damage than the enjoyment they may bring their users.

What Does Judaism Say About Wine?

Wine is an essential part of major Jewish rituals — but the Torah is also wary of the dangers of over-consumption.

Jewish Attitudes Toward Eastern Religions

Most traditional authorities dismissed Hinduism as idolatry, but in recent years, some Jews have become more tolerant of certain Eastern religions and practices.

The Way of the Gentiles

The prohibition against non-Jewish practices, might relate to the practices of ancient Egypt, Canaan or the social and philosophical ways of non-Jews today.


Celebrating menopause breaks the silences of a lifetime and forges a future of openness and sharing.


This ceremony uses elements of Jewish and other traditions to share a sense of possibility and openness with a newly menstruant girl.

Who Are the Semites?

A historian traces the origins of the term.

Caring for One’s Own Health

Jewish law mandates a healthful lifestyle.

Friendship in Jewish Thought

Life without amiable companionship was unthinkable to the sages of the Talmud.

The Non-Jew in Jewish Law

Rabbinic authorities have used different arguments to redress inequities in the way halakhah treats non-Jews.

Jewish Attitudes Toward Proselytes

At times, Jews have embraced large numbers of converts, but hostile relations with Gentile neighbors often led to suspicion of proselytes as well. 

Israel and Anti-Gentile Traditions

Israel Shahak's theory that anti-Gentile traditions have influenced Israeli policy is well known in both Arab and anti-Semitic circles, but Jews have yet to properly confront it.
