Kaddish Speaks to Mourners
The Kaddish responds to three questions: Is there a God? Why do people die? What is the meaning of life?
Rabbinic, Medieval, and Early Modern History of Healing
The evolution of attitudes towards physicians, beliefs connecting illness and sin, prayers for healing, and the use of folk healing traditions.
Terminating a Pregnancy
The author adapts biblical texts to create a ritual that expresses the anguish of terminating a pregnancy
After the Termination of a Pregnancy
Through prayer and ritual during the month after the termination, the parents work through lingering feelings of guilt and sorrow.
Jewish Husbands, Jewish Wives, and Jewish Partners
Husbands, wives, and relationships in Judaism are governed by the principle that "It is not good for the human to be alone."
Filling the Grave
Shoveling dirt onto the coffin is the family's final ritual act of honoring the dead.
Wedding Ceremony Merges Tradition and Egalitarianism
Traditional Jewish Egalitarian Ceremony. Contemporary Jewish Marriage Issues. Jewish Marital Relations. Jewish Lifecycle
Egalitarianism Confronts Kiddushin
Kiddushin and Egalitarianism. Contemporary Jewish Marriage Issues. Jewish Marital Relations. Jewish Lifecycle
Reconstructionist Judaism Offers Egalitarian Divorce Options
In addition to the traditional get (bill of divorce) granted by the husband, Reconstructionism offers a woman-initiated get and a mutual get.
Spinoza and the Philosophical Impossibility of a Chosen People
Jewish chosenness is not a metaphysical reality. It derives from the conditions of a particularly prosperous period in Israelite history.
Conditional Divorce
The husband may grant a conditional divorce if he expects to be in mortal danger.