

Pacifism in Jewish Law

Jewish tradition never embraced complete pacifism, though minimizing violence has always been a priority.

Jewish Resurrection and Organ Donation

The misguided belief that one needs all body parts intact to be resurrected may contribute to the poor rate of organ donation--even for Jews with otherwise untraditional beliefs.

Homosexuality, Choice, and Jewish Law

If homosexuality is not chosen, then there is precedent in Jewish law for condoning it.

The Reality of Sex Outside Marriage

Non-marital sex is not ideal, but that doesn't mean Judaism has nothing to say about it.

From Generation to Generation

Explaining to grandchildren Jewish environmental action

Should Jews Sell Guns?

Selling the tools of violence to people prone to violence violates the biblical prohibition of "setting a stumbling block before the blind."

Insider Trading in Jewish Ethics

Insider trading--using privileged knowledge for profit in the stock market--violates many Jewish principles.

Denominations: Are They Good For The Jews?

Two scholars question the contemporary relevance of the still- young American Jewish denominations.

The Promise of Tu Bishvat

Finding new meaning in tree planting

Blessings and Jewish Ethics

Why don't we say a blessing before we do a good deed?

Jewish Tradition and the Lifecycle

Jewish lifecycle rituals reflect a communal orientation, the democratic nature of traditions, the relationship between the biological and the social, and the inevitability of evolution and change.

Death and Mourning: Sources from the Babylonian Talmud

On attending to mourners, anticipating dying, accepting death, and appropriate burial rites.
