The Purpose and Meaning of Sex in Judaism
Judaism approves of sex and sexual pleasure, valuing it as a means toward procreation and companionship.
Some Meanings of Brit Milah
The message to the one who is circumcised: The covenant involves pain and sacrifice as well as honor and sanctity. And it is part of who you are, branded into your flesh at birth.
A Historical View of Pidyon HaBen
From biblical to contemporary times, how Jews have practiced this ceremony of redemption of the first-born.
Jews and Non-Jews: Interfaith Relations
Interfaith relationships between Jews and non-Jews is a hard-hitting issue that affects the entire Jewish world.
Gene Therapy and Genetic Engineering in Judaism
Using genetic technology for therapeutic purposes is acceptable, but many related issues have yet to be addressed.
The Parameters of Abortion in Judaism
Abortions are sometimes permitted when the pregnant woman is at risk.
The Beginning of Life in Judaism
According to Jewish law, human life begins at birth, not conception.
Halakhic Questions about Organ Transplants
What are the Jewish legal issues with organ transplantation?
Contemporary Issues in Lifecycle Ritual
Contemporary feminism has been, arguably, the primary influence upon the recent flourishing of new rituals and the transformation of older ones. On the other hand, for traditionalist Jews, the development of new approaches to ritual can be highly problema
Jewish Genetic Issues
Jewish Genetic Issues. Jewish Bioethics. Judaism and Medical Technology. Jewish Ideas and Beliefs.