

Contemporary Issues in Baby Ceremonies

Circumcision debates and intermarriage

The Power Of A Name: The Power Of Naming

Adam's naming of the animals raises complex issues, including the deeper meanings of our names.

Inviting Jewish Foremothers to the Sukkah

A contemporary twist on the traditional ceremony.

Can Non-Jews Receive Synagogue Honors?

Being called to the Torah for an aliyah and leading certain prayers are, among other synagogue rituals, generally reserved for Jews. 

How Hasidic Wisdom Can Change Your Relationship to the Natural World

Hasidic wisdom offers an alternative to the dominant Jewish paradigm which places human needs at the center of our relationship with the earth and its creatures.

How Hasidic Wisdom Can Improve Your Life

Hasidism is a philosophy of devotion, not self-help. But that doesn't mean it won't improve your life.

Jewish Wisdom on Aging

What Jewish texts have to tell us about getting older.

What a Convert to Judaism Needs to Know

Studying for conversion is not merely about acquiring information, but the development of a new identity.

For You Too Were a Stranger

How can Jews be better allies to the LGBTQ community?

Four Steps For Changing Your Life in the New Year

A change expert and rabbi-to-be offers advice on how to make change happen.

A Refugee from Laos Finds a Home in the Jewish Community

What Holocaust survivors taught this refugee from Laos.

The Complex Nature of Intersectionality

Writer Erika K. Davis reflects on the Chicago Dyke March and provides perspective as a Queer Jew of Color.
