What Are Jewish Genetic Diseases?
As many as 1 in 3 Ashkenazi Jews are estimated to be carriers for one of about 19 genetic diseases.
The Brit Milah (Bris): What You Need to Know
Questions and answers about the circumcision ceremony for Jewish baby boys.
Jewish Funerals: What to Expect When You Go
Bad news, unfortunately, travels fast. It can be helpful to know in advance what to do when attending a Jewish funeral.
Abortion and Judaism
The Jewish position on abortion is nuanced, neither condoning it nor categorically prohibiting it.
December Holiday Tips for Interfaith Parents
Interfaith families struggle to be true to the religions of both parents during the winter holiday season.
Judaism and Suicide
Taking one's life is officially a violation of Jewish law, but many contemporary rabbis recognize that most suicides result from struggles with mental illness.
Jewish Genetic Screening
How to find out if you are a carrier for a Jewish genetic disease
Sex and Sexuality 101
Judaism has an overwhelmingly positive attitude toward sex.
LGBTQ Interpretations of Jewish Texts
Ancient and modern readings of the Bible and Talmud suggest that several personalities may have defied gender and sexuality norms.
Who Was Asenath Barazani?
Asenath Barazani (also spelled Asnat or Osnat) led a yeshiva in 17th century Kurdistan.
The Seven Genders in the Talmud
Judaism has recognized nonbinary persons for millennia.
Jewish Genetic Diseases: Frequently Asked Questions
What you need to know about screening, risks and ethical concerns.