Reading Torah Through Grief
Parashat Mishpatim: Finding the Ecstatic in the Everyday
This Torah portion reminds us to appreciate the mundane moments.
Parashat Yitro: Merged Memories
In Moses and Jethro, we can see a model of transformational relationships — and losses.
Parashat Beshalach: Their Past Is Always Present
Our loved ones may physically pass on, but like Joseph, their presence reverberates in us and in the generations to come.
Parashat Bo: An Unprecedented Journey
We can learn from Moses when we are forced to take an unprecedented journey through grief.
Parashat Vaera: Honesty, Not Silence
God knows we need to question God, as Moses did centuries ago.
Parashat Shemot: Growing into New Roles
Like the characters in this Torah portion, we can fill the vacant roles left by our loss and grow into new ones.
Parashat Vayechi: Integrating the Past into the Present
“May God make you like Ephraim and Menashe” (Genesis 48:20). Parents routinely offer this blessing on Shabbat at the Friday night dinner ...
Parashat Vayigash: Forgiveness Over Blame
Joseph shows us how to exit the emotional labyrinth of grief by embracing forgiveness over blame.
Parashat Miketz: Reframing Loss
We can choose how we respond to situations over which we have no control.
Parashat Vayeshev: From Apathy to Empathy
Experiencing loss can enable us to better relate to the pain of others.
Parashat Vayishlach: Facing Fear After Loss
Jacob’s courage shows that by facing our fears, we can overcome them and move forward.
Parashat Vayetzei: Lonely but Not Alone
While grief is an inherently lonely and individual journey, we need not experience it alone.