Reading Torah Through Grief


Parashat Toldot: Digging Deeply Into Life

The story of Isaac reminds us that we can flow again into the stream of life.

Parashat Chayei Sarah: Restoring Good Memories

The Torah urges us to remember the years of strength and virtue whenever possible.

Parashat Vayera: Looking to the Future

To continue to live after loss, we must gently push ourselves to do what might seem impossible.

Parashat Lech Lecha: Honor Your Parents, Respect Yourself

Like Abraham, we can acknowledge that we had to leave home.

Parashat Noach: Dreams Live On

While our loved ones are physically gone, they have willed their unfinished dreams to us.

Parashat Bereshit: The Gift of Forgiveness

God created forgiveness before anything in the physical universe because human beings are bound to err.
