Minyan: The Congregational Quorum
Only in a group of 10 or more adult Jews is there sufficient sanctity to recite certain public prayers.
Blessings Everywhere
The talmudic sages established brief blessings that make everyday events and perceptions into opportunities for spiritual awareness.
Rosh Hashanah Musaf Amidah
The additional Amidah contains the major themes of the holiday season.
The Differences Between Rosh Hashanah & Yom Kippur
There is a change of mood from the beginning to the end of the 10 days of repentance.
Preliminary Morning Blessings and Psalms
Jewish liturgy encourages spiritual preparation prior to the main section of the morning service.
The Prayer for Rain
Connecting physical and spiritual needs at the end of Sukkot.
Jewish Holiday & Shabbat Prayers
Each and every holiday in the Jewish calendar comes with its own unique set of insertions into the prayers intended to celebrate the special character of that festival.
Confessing Our Sins
The two prayers, Ashamnu and Al Chet constitute the Jewish confession.
Perspectives on Avinu Malkeinu, the Classic High Holiday Prayer
Different aspects of this popular and fascinating liturgy.