Who Taught You to Pray?
Prayer is a natural part of human existence, requiring neither a belief system nor even instruction about how to do it.
Beginning the Amidah by Connecting to Our Ancestors
The opening to the Amidah prayer shifts the perspective from personal needs to the long arc of Jewish history.
Full Text of Al Hanisim for Hanukkah
The complete text of Al Hanisim for Hanukkah in Hebrew, English, and transliteration.
Mah Tovu: A Reminder of the Jewish Mission
The prophet Isaiah's vision of Israel as a light unto the nations is reflected in this essential Jewish prayer.
Yigdal Orders the World
A prayer that seems to be about certainty turns out to actually be all about doubt and the limits of our own knowledge.
How to Say Birkat Hamazon (Grace After Meals)
This blessing of thanksgiving is said after completing a meal.
How to Say El Maleh Rahamim
This prayer asking God to grant rest to departed souls is often recited at funerals.
How to Say Yigdal
This hymn, based on Maimonides' 13 principles of faith, is often sung at the conclusion of Friday night services.
Kedushah d’Yotzeir: A Call to Holiness
This prayer invoking the heavenly angels offers key insights into the purpose of prayer and our broader responsibility as religious people.
God And Metaphor
Believers and skeptics alike tend to view God similarly -- as big, all-powerful, and good. But there are other options.
How a Deaf Person Can Understand the Shema
Judaism's central prayer calls on us to listen, but what if you can't hear?
In the Priestly Blessing, Seeing Parenthood’s Trajectory
A prayer for yesterday, today and tomorrow — all in one.