

Blessing for Counting the Omer

The blessing in transliteration and English.

How to Put on Tefillin

A step-by-step guide to putting on tefillin to pray in the morning.

Text of the Mourner’s Kaddish

The prayer traditionally recited for the dead, in Aramaic, transliteration and English translation.

Morning Blessings

A guide to the traditional Shachrit (morning) service.

Ritual Hand Washing Before Meals

The Netilat Yadayim practice and blessing.

Tachanun: Engaging the Mind-Body Connection

In its tone and its language, this daily prayer nods to the themes and postures of the High Holidays.

Ana b’Koach: A Portal to Creation

This enigmatic poem recited almost precisely as Shabbat begins contains a hidden mystical meaning.

S’lach Lanu: An Everyday Prayer for Forgiveness

There is a crucial difference between feeling ashamed of our shortcomings and feeling shame about our unworthiness.

Why Do Jews Pray in the Plural?

Jewish liturgy is almost always written in the plural form. Here's why.

Searching for Hametz: Finding Our Priorities by Candlelight

In the age of the coronavirus, the search for leaven by candlelight becomes even more apt.

Full Text of Modim

The Modim prayer, part of the Amidah, in Hebrew, English and transliteration.
