

Love Lessons from Lecha Dodi

The mystical poem sung during Kabbalat Shabbat services is a model for our relationship with God -- and with each other.

Ashrei: The Connection Between Trust and Happiness

A curious feature of the poetry of this prayer hints at a key component of the quest for happiness.

Golel Ohr: The Interdependence of Light and Dark

Our praise of God for rolling away the darkness from the light is a statement of faith that while certain times may be hard, they are never eternal.

How to Say Netilat Yadayim

This blessing is recited after ritually washing one's hands.

How to Say Avinu Malkeinu

This prayer invoking God as "Our Father, Our King" is recited on the Jewish High Holidays.

When the Words of Prayer Ring Hollow

Many Jews find it hard to speak words in prayer that feel untrue. Two Jewish values hint at another way.

Praying For the Miracle of Israel

Multiple version of the Al Hanisim prayer have been composed to thank God for Israel, each emphasizing different aspects of the Jewish state's creation.

Why We Recite Yizkor Individually

Much of Jewish ritual is built around collective memory. Yizkor is different.

Pesukei d’Zimra: Preparing Us for Prayer

These "verses of praise" seek to reorient us away from egocentrism.

The Omer as Prayer

The 49-day period between Passover and Shavuot has long been viewed as a time of great spiritual potential.

Birkot Hashachar: Giving Thanks Each Morning

This series of blessings are a beautiful expression of gratitude for the opportunity of experiencing another day.

The Majesty of Adon Olam

This poem, familiar to many worshippers as the closing hymn of the Shabbat service, conveys a complete framework for our relationship to God.
