Loving God By Acting With Compassion
Our affirmation of the unity of God and our love for God serve as fundamental grounding principles for social action.
Graced With Food
By blessing after we eat, we elevate the act of eating by connecting with God.
Who Has Not Made Me a Woman
Different versions and parallels from classical sources and manuscripts provide an interesting perspective on this controversial blessing.
Kavanah, Or Intention
In the words of one sage, "Prayer without kavanah is like a body without a soul."
How to Navigate High Holiday Morning Services
Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur services feature many additions that can make the services difficult to follow. Here’s a guide.
The Jewish Prayer For Doctors
Widely attributed to Maimonides, this prayer asks for strength and guidance in applying the art of healing.
Penitence and Prayer in the Amidah
Two blessings said every day invoke the High Holiday mood of returning to God.
Why We Start the Amidah By Blessing the Patriarchs
Opening this primary prayer by invoking our ancestors emphasizes that our relationships with our parents is a model for our relationship with God.
Psalm 90: Counting Our Days Rightly
The capacity to resist the injustice of the world is present with us every day.
Kedushah: Praising God Like Angels
This prayer recited during the Amidah is a bit of an outlier in the liturgy.
Ahavah Rabbah: God’s Boundless Love
This blessing, recited prior to the Shema, asserts that God's love for us is expressed by the commandments.